About Us
When God created man, He included an innate need to live in community. That need finds its expression in the body of Christ, as believers love one another, worship God, serve the world, and simply share life together. Christian community is centered on Christ, and values its mission, relationships, and truth. In the institutional setting of the traditional church, the buildings and programs, the money needed to fund them, and the schedules offered for participation can add to the stress and hectic pace of life and actually hinder the realization of true Christian community.
Mountain Christian Community Church is part of a growing number of simple churches that provide an alternative to institutional church. Maybe a better word is ‘partner’ because simple and traditional churches share the same functions, but have different forms. We believe a church can mature through spiritual gifts without separating into professionals and participants. “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (I Corinthians 12:27)
MCCC has orthodox (meaning historically established and accepted) Christian beliefs. Our members have come from a variety of church backgrounds or no church background at all, and we think that strengthens the fellowship. We started having meetings in 2001 and have varied from 3 – 10 families since then.
MCCC desires to be part of a local church planting movement. We would welcome the opportunity to be part of starting a church in your home or neighborhood. We also want to be part of a growing network of simple churches in our area.
Contact Us
To find out more information, you can contact us by emailing us at mailto:mountainchristian@brmemc.net .
To find out where our next meeting location is, please visit our Calendar page.