Matilda’s Cake

Aunt Matilda, as told by Oxford professor John Lennox, bakes a cake. A group of top scientists analyze it. Biochemists describe the proteins and fats. Chemists list the interaction of elements involved. Physicists talk about the fundamental particles. Mathematicians...

Thinking Christianly

Jordan Peterson, a Canadian psychologist, became popular with his book 12 Rules for Life (2018). Tom Holland is a British expert in classical and medieval history. His book Dominion (2019) traces the Christian roots of Western Civilization. These modern thinkers are...

Wise Blood

Flannery O’Connor published her first novel, Wise Blood, in 1952. She lived near Milledgeville, Georgia before disease took her life in 1964 (age 39). The abrasive characters she developed in southern gothic writing style gave voice to her commentary on the cultural...

A Faith Journey

Niall Ferguson is a British academic with ties to Oxford and Harvard Universities. In 2004, Time magazine listed him among the most influential people in the world. He is yet another example of someone who thinks deeply about faith and finds himself on a journey....

The Unfinished Chat

She was a young woman, maybe early thirties. We were chatting in a public place… small talk. When our conversation turned Godward I asked, “Do you have a faith?” She pondered, then looked at me. “I think I can honestly say I’ve given it my best effort…” Just...