Beautiful Clues

In the light of dusk, I studied the bridge from a distant vantage point. The Hercilio Luz Bridge is an elegant marvel of engineering. The longest suspension bridge in Brazil, it connects Santa Catarina Island to the mainland. But soon my gaze shifted to the peacefully...

Fragrance of Life

“I call myself a cultural Christian,” said the outspoken atheist, Richard Dawkins. “I’m not a believer, but… I sort of feel at home in the Christian ethos.” There’s a problem, though. Dawkins would cut the flower of the Christian ethos from its root of Biblical truth....

Russell Brand (Part 2)

I’ve never seen a Russell Brand show, but I find his spiritual journey interesting. I mentioned him in this space a year ago because he began making public comments about Jesus. “The teachings of Christ are more relevant now than they’ve ever been,” he said. He was on...

Flooded By Love

I didn’t expect to see that. I was with a team in southern Brazil looking for churches we could help respond to the devastating floods. We stepped inside a small church building. Instead of chairs, the room was wall to wall with cots and mattresses. They had converted...

Good Father

Kendall Qualls’ future looked bleak. Facing limited options, his newly divorced mom moved her five children into housing project squalor in Harlem, NY. It was the 1960’s. The grimy stairwells reeked, and dark hallways hid lethargic addicts. She did the best she could...

Hope In Crisis

“I heard the roar.” “I lost everything.” “I should be dead.” I hear such words when serving as a chaplain in natural disaster zones around the country. I am amazed at the resilience of survivors. After the initial shock, responses can vary from despair to anger....