Extremes of Christmas

A simple shoebox, filled by a loving heart, travels around the world as a Christmas gift to a needy child. To participate in such an enterprise is to see firsthand the meeting of two extremes – great poverty and great love. Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of...

The Thankful Witness

Whittaker Chambers was a household name in post-WWII America. He testified against fellow communist, Alger Hiss, in the “spy trial of the century” (1950). Despite his brush with infamy, he had reasons to be thankful. Thankfulness is not easy. It takes humility to...

The Broken Jar

The Geller family just wanted a little relief from living on the loud edge of chaos. They left their home in northern Israel for a day trip to the Hecht Museum. What awaited them was a new kind of distress, which most parents can relate to. The museum’s founder...

All Is Gain

It was still dark when the flood waters leapt the banks of the river. Bill (not his real name) was in his house in a nearby grassy field. He lives alone, but he was not alone that day. By the time he awoke that morning and peered out of a window, the water was deep...

Stay Focused

As of this writing, the election results are TBD. The levels of tension, angst, and rhetoric do not contribute to “a more perfect Union” as intended by the U.S. founders. How do Christians respond? Here are eight ways to focus your thoughts, whether your candidates...